
8th Grade Review

Complete each statement.
Unscramble the letters to form the correct word for each definition.


mannotel: usually a gas or brittle solid at room temperature ____________________



sepretenveriat tenelmes: elements in Groups 1 and 2 and in Groups 13–18 ____________________



rogup: contains elements with similar properties ____________________



telam: an element that has luster and conducts heat and electricity ____________________



dilatomel: shows properties of a metal and a nonmetal ____________________



dopier: row of elements in the periodic table ____________________



toccurenmoids: shows moderate electrical conductivity ____________________



scytatal: substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, but is not changed itself ____________________



sitnnorati tenelmes: are all metals ____________________



yetihscnt tenelmes: are made in laboratories ____________________

Choose the best of the answers in parentheses.


In this periodic table, Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing ____________________ (atomic number, atomic diameter, mass number).



The symbol for the element mercury is ____________________ (Mg, Hg, Ga).



The element ____________________ (neon, sodium, bromine) is a gas at room temperature.



Most of the ____________________ (actinides, alkali metals, halogens) are synthetic elements.



____________________ (Sulfur, Magnesium, Copper) is a good conductor of electricity and heat.



Elements in Groups 1, 2, and 13 through 18 are called the ______________________________ (transition elements, rare earth elements, representative elements).



____________________ (Aluminum, Iron, Copper) has magnetic properties.



Silicon is an example of a(n) ____________________ (semiconductor, transition element, alloy).



Elements that rarely combine with other elements are the ____________________ (halogens, noble gases, alkali metals).



All transition elements are ____________________ (metals, gases, liquids).



Most nonmetals are ____________________ (good conductors, brittle, gases).



Elements that can be pounded into thin sheets are ____________________ (metalloids, semiconductors, malleable).



The only nonmetal found on the left side of the periodic table is ____________________ (sodium, chlorine, hydrogen).



The most active nonmetal is ____________________ (fluorine, iodine, carbon).



The element used for storing and transporting radioactive materials is ____________________ (tin, lead, carbon).



The iron triad is made up of iron, cobalt, and ____________________ (aluminum, nickel, tin).



Most transition metals have ____________________ (higher, lower) melting points than the representative elements.



____________________ (Transition elements, Lanthanides, Actinides) are soft metals.



All of the ____________________ (transition elements, lanthanides, actinides) are radioactive.



Although ____________________ (silver, mercury, gold) is a poisonous liquid, it can be used in dental materials if mixed with other metals.


Match each item with the correct statement below.
alkali metals
alkaline earth metals
noble gases
atomic number
mass number
representative elements
transition elements


elements that are gases or brittle solids and poor conductors of heat and electricity


basis for arranging elements in modern periodic table


able to be hammered into thin sheets


series of radioactive elements


a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictability


elements that show moderate electrical conductivity


silvery solids with low densities and low melting points found in Group 1


elements that show properties of both metals and nonmetals


elements in Groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table


only nonmetal in Group 1


most chemically inactive group of elements


another name for Group 2 elements


group of elements that form salts


most elements fall into this classification


series of elements that are sometimes called the rare earths
Classify the elements described below as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.


a gas at room temperature


a poor conductor of electricity


can be used as a semiconductor


can be hammered into thin sheets


has a dull appearance and is brittle


a transition element


used for computer chips


can be drawn out into a thin wire

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.


The nonmetals are not very important. _________________________



Silicon and germanium are used in electronics as semiconductors. _________________________



The element silver is widely used in dentistry. _________________________



All transition elements are metals. _________________________



Most of the actinides occur naturally in Earth’s crust. _________________________



Lithium and sodium are members of the alkali metal family. _________________________



Bromine and mercury are liquids at room temperature. _________________________



A period contains elements that have similar properties. _________________________



Helium, argon, and radon are members of the halogen family. _________________________



The most active metals are found in the noble gas family. _________________________


Short Answer


In an outline, the subtopics are alkali metals and halogens. What would the main topic of the outline be?


liquid at room temperature


atomic nucleus has the fewest protons


does not occur naturally on Earth


has an average atomic mass of about 12


atomic nucleus contains 11 protons



Explain why you would not expect to be able to combine magnesium and argon to produce a useful substance.


Would you expect the insulation around an electrical outlet to be made of a metal, a nonmetal, or a metalloid? Explain your answer.


After completing his table, why did Mendeleev suspect that there were elements yet to be discovered?


How does reading across a period of the periodic table compare with reading down a group of the table?


What are the two series of inner transition elements and what is a trait of each?


Describe characteristics of two representative element groups. Give examples of how these elements are used.

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